

The MSNGx program is a Future Education Model competency-based education (CBE) program. This program is focused on student mastery of the competencies and performance indicators set forth by the 认证 Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). ACEND states that “One of the advantages of CBE is that it fosters work readiness. 在未来教育模式认证标准, the curriculum is guided with the competencies and their respective performance indicators, which are clearly defined based on the desired behaviors and job skills targeted.” Competency based programs focus on students progress toward achieving required competencies rather than hours as in traditional time-based programs. CBE鼓励学生推动他们的教育进步. 教师因此成为学生主导学习的促进者.  


  • nutr505 -生命周期营养 & 疾病| 3学分
    Discusses the changing nutritional requirements throughout the lifecycle and the impact nutrition has on health and disease states. 话题包括怀孕, 泌乳, 婴儿, 蹒跚学步的, 青少年, 成人, 老年人营养, 饮食失调. 研究了个人的营养信仰,并探讨了文化规范. 先决条件: 没有一个
  • nutr510 -营养评估|  3学分
    Discusses techniques to select and utilize validated nutrition screening and assessment tools to evaluate nutritional status and develop nutrition interventions. 主题包括:饮食摄入评估, 身体成分, 病人访谈, 以营养为重点的身体检查和评估, 药物, 化验和诊断测试, 以及营养诊断. 学生将在模拟和与伙伴一起练习评估. 先决条件: 没有一个
  • nutr515 -营养信息学| 3学分
    标准介绍, 流程, and technology used to manage nutrition data necessary to provide efficient, 高品质营养护理. 讨论的主题包括:电子健康记录, 消费者健康和营养应用, 远程医疗, 营养数据库, 配方分析与转化, 学习管理系统, 确定可靠的资源, 以及健康信息的隐私和机密性. 先决条件: 没有一个
  • 减轻 520 -社区营养| 3学分
    讨论与社区和全球营养有关的当前问题. 主题包括:流行病学与饮食和健康的关系, 营养不良, 可持续性, 食物浪费, 采购和获取食物, 农业, 文化能力, 营养教育. 先决条件:没有
  • 减轻 521 -人类遗传学| 4学分

    在本课程中, students will gain an in-depth understanding of how genes influence human traits, 疾病, 和行为, including how non-genetic factors interact with genetic factors to produce observable phenotypes. 人类遗传模式, 基因组的组织, 链接, 以及遗传学在医学诊断中的应用, 治疗, 以及疾病的预防. Techniques used in the field of human genetics will be integrated with principles and concepts presented in didactic sessions. 先决条件: 没有一个

  • 减轻525 -食品系统管理| 3学分

    Discusses skills for leadership, 管理 and 环境卫生 in food and nutrition systems. 主题包括:变更管理, 解决冲突, 餐饮服务软件, 食品质量安全, 食物变质, 菜单开发和菜单循环, 安全的工作场所, 供应链, 可持续性,  人员配备, 库存, 以及成本控制. 先决条件: 没有一个

  • 减轻535 -医学营养治疗1 | 3学分

    Discusses the role of nutrient metabolism as it relates to nutritional status and development or progression of 疾病. Students learn utilization of the Nutrition Care Process to determine appropriate nutrition diagnoses and interventions. Virtual case studies and simulations are utilized providing clinical experiences. Topics cover various nutrition related conditions including but not limited to overweight, 肥胖, 胃肠道疾病, 内分泌失调, 糖尿病, 肝脏和胰腺疾病. 先决条件: 505, 510

  • nutr540 -营养咨询 & 伦理学| 2学分

    Discusses counseling techniques and behavior change therapies utilized in individual and group settings to promote health and disease prevention. 学生学习识别禁忌症的技能, 迹象, 风险, 好处, 技术和疗法的局限性. 食物的文化多样性, 饮食习惯, 食品发展趋势, 心理健康与营养的关系, 饮食失调, 值, 探索信念. The Code of Ethics for nutrition and dietetics professionals serves as the foundation for this course. 在学期中, students spend one day per week at a clinical site shadowing to gain familiarity with all aspects of dietetics practice in various clinical settings. 先决条件: 减轻505, 510, 515

  • 减轻533 -生物统计学| 3学分

    Discusses the use of statistical methods to process public health and genetic data.  An emphasis on interpretation and concepts in areas such as population genetics, 将进行全基因组关联研究和系统生物学.

  • 减轻 610监督体验式学习-社区| 2学分
    Application of concepts and skills to ethically and sensitively provide nutrition programs to individuals and groups across the life cycle. Students gain experience managing client caseloads, billing, and organizational 管理. SEL站点包括:WIC, 食品分发处, 卫生部门, 抢先, 惩教设施, 以及社区组织. 先决条件520, 535, 540
  • 减轻 620 -监督式体验式学习-商科| 2学分
    Application of concepts and skills to ethically and sensitively provide nutrition programs to individuals and groups across the life cycle. Students gain experience managing client caseloads, billing, and organizational 管理. SEL网站包括:私人营养实践, 企业健康, 运动营养或其他经批准的业务. 先决条件:减轻 520, 减轻535, 减轻 540


  • nutr635 -医疗营养疗法 & NGx | 3学分

    Foundations from MNT 1 are expanded to use the Nutrition Care Process when a variety of common pathophysiological conditions are present and include nutritional genomics. Virtual case studies and simulations are used to learn best practices for nutrition intervention, 管理, 以及饮食补品的书写. 主题包括:心脏病, 肾疾病, 肿瘤学, 神经学, 精神疾病, 急救护理, 风湿性疾病, 还有肺部疾病. 先决条件: 减轻535

  • 减轻 630 - Supervised 从实践经验中学习 - Food服务 Management  | 4个学分

    运用所学的与库存相关的技能, 接收, 准备, 服务, 销售点, 人员配备, 订购, 质量控制, 环境卫生, 以及与粮食系统相关的领导力. SEL站点包括:临床餐饮服务, 学校餐饮服务, 长期护理食品服务或大学食品服务. 学生将完成一份记录能力的作品集. 先决条件: 减轻525

  • 减轻 640 - Supervised 从实践经验中学习 - Sustainability  |  2 credits
    Application of skills learned related to 农业 and 可持续性 as they relate to food systems. SEL站点包括:可持续或再生农场, 农贸市场, 以及农场到餐桌/学校组织. 学生将完成一份记录能力的作品集. 先决条件: 减轻525

  • 减轻670 -研究方法| 3学分
    建立在营养信息学和生物统计学的概念. 讨论指导的方法, 分析, 并以道德和公正的方式发表营养相关研究. 主题包括:科学方法, 批判性思维, 研究设计, 文献评价, 统计分析, 以及研究的实际应用. 先决条件:  减轻533
  • nutr645 -营养 & OmicsM | 2学分

    Discusses the interaction of nutrition with emerging studies of the omics of human health. 主题包括基因组学, 表观基因组学, 代谢组学, 蛋白质组学, 转录组, microbiomics, 营养素之间的相互作用, 制药学, 和基因. 先决条件: 521, 535

  • 减轻 672 -顶点| 3学分
    Capstone reinforces knowledge and skills attained throughout the curriculum to transition to become practice-ready entry-level dietitians. 本课程以以前课程的项目为基础. Students will demonstrate advancement in their skills and mastery of nutrition and nutrigenomics concepts by completing a capstone project culminating their academic experience. 先决条件: 减轻670
  • 减轻 650 - Supervised 从实践经验中学习 - Long-term Care  |  2 credits
    Application of the Nutrition Care Process to provide MNT in a variety extended care settings. SEL sites may include but at not limited to long-term care residents, rehab, and skilled nursing. Students will complete a portfolio of cases documenting evidence-based application of current research and competency. 先决条件: 减轻635
  • 减轻 660 -监督体验式学习-临床  |  4个学分
    Application of the Nutrition Care Process to provide MNT in a variety of clinical settings across the life cycle. SEL网站可能包括但不限于普通医学, 胃肠道/减肥, 门诊, 心脏病学, 肿瘤学, 加护病房, N加护病房, 和管理. Students will complete a portfolio of cases documenting evidence-based application of current research and competency. 先决条件: 减轻635
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