



如果你花的是联邦基金, 所有费用必须是允许的, 可拨出的, 一致的, 和合理的. 点击下面的链接获取更多信息.



  •  在作出裁决之前花费资金, 获得商务办公室的书面批准,并通知你所在地区的副总裁.
  • 项目完成后剩余资金, 按照出资人关于多余资金的指导方针.
  • 当资助者要求时, 你必须得到资助者的批准,然后再更改你的拨款预算, 向机构有效性办公室发送通知, 然后给你的主管发个通知.


如果助学金支票将被写到MU, 或者MU是否会从资助者那里提取拨款(即使是非常小的数额), the proposal should go through the approval process for 奖助金 and 赞助项目. 您的第一步是填写下面的早期拨款通知表. 如果赠款支票将被写给你作为个人, 它不通过助学金和赞助项目. 如果你不确定或需要帮助开始, 联系资助和赞助项目主任.

有证据表明,通过内部审查的拨款提案是 更有可能 为了获得资金!



These policies include information regarding compensation from grants and sponsored programs at 十大网赌正规网址. 伴随这些策略的是一个时间和工作报告模板. All 十大网赌正规网址 employees receiving compensation from federal grants and sponsored programs are required to complete a time and effort report each reporting period. The grants office will contact you with the appropriate report and instructions when applicable.


在联邦政府授权下收集数据时, 十大网赌正规网址的研究人员应该遵守文书工作减少法案. 以下概要指南来自 NSF的研究条款和条件附录C国家政策要求: "The recipient shall not represent to respondents that such data are being collected for or in association with the awarding agency without the specific written approval of the cognizant awarding agency official of such data collection plan or instrument. 然而, this requirement is not intended to preclude mention of awarding agency support of the project in response to an inquiry or acknowledgment of such support in any publication of these data."


直接与. 间接成本

When creating a grant budget, make sure you appropriately classify direct and indirect costs. When spending funds, make sure you do not charge items to a grant that are considered indirect costs.


Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act and Government-Wide Debarment and Suspension

曼彻斯特 is compliant with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (FFATA), and provides information about certain federally-funded subawards and vendor agreements on www.市场.政府的要求. 曼彻斯特 is also compliant with Government-wide Debarment and Suspension requirements, which include certification of compliance for certain federally-funded subawards and vendor agreements.

在进行超过25美元的次级奖励之前,000美元和分包合同/供应商付款超过30美元,000, 曼彻斯特在SAM上检查组织状态.政府. 符合这些标准的次获奖者和供应商必须注册. 曼彻斯特报告的次级奖励超过25美元,000美元和分包合同/供应商付款超过30美元,000 on the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Subaward Reporting System site at www.市场.以及完善资产管理系统中的实体管理系统. 作为首席研究员, 项目总监, 或者授予领导, you must notify the Director of 奖助金 and 赞助项目 or Office of 制度的有效性 if you are planning a subaward in excess of $25,000美元或分包商/供应商付款超过30美元,与你的助学金相关的000英镑.




The policies and processes detailed here are designed to promote objectivity in 研究 and to ensure that the design, conduct and reporting of 研究 conducted at the University and sponsored with federal funds are not biased by any perceived or real financial conflict of interest (FCOI) of an Investigator.

This policy is intended to comply with the current federal regulations 政府erning FCOIs entitled "Responsibility of Applicants for Promoting Objectivity in Research for which PHS Funding is Sought" (42 C.F.R. 第50部分,子部分F)和其他相关联邦机构法规. 以下是卫生署资助的机构名单,供您参考. Researchers must review the policy below and fill out the attached form before submitting proposals to federal agencies, 如果获得资助,每年更新表格. 研究人员还必须完成以下NIH培训之前从事 PHS-funded 研究.



如果你的预算包括参与者支持费用, 这些资金应与其他奖助金分开保管, 没有赞助商的书面批准不能重新预算. 


It is a compliance requirement that applicant organizations to the Public Health Service (PHS) must secure and retain a written assurance from each PD/PI prior to submitting each application to the PHS. 这份保证表格和更多的信息包括在下面.



除一般资料外, 大学将保留联邦政府, 透传, and private sponsored project records for three years after the last financial report submission unless otherwise specified by the funder. 这与2 CFR 200一致.记录的保存要求.

当不需要报告时, 记录将自最后一次支出之日起保留三年.



It is 曼彻斯特’s policy that all scholarship and 研究 be characterized by the highest standards of integrity. The policy and procedure document below details 曼彻斯特's policies and procedures with respect to allegations of misconduct in scholarship and 研究 and meets 曼彻斯特’s responsibilities under federal regulations. The Responsible Conduct of Research document below details 曼彻斯特's training requirements for the responsible conduct of 研究.

If you have completed CITI training in the past (with 曼彻斯特 or with a previous institution), 单击“登录”并输入用户名和密码. If you have not completed CITI training in the past, create a new account by clicking Register. 如果您过去在其他机构完成过花旗培训, 使用旧凭证登录将保留您的培训历史. Once in CITI, you can affiliate your account (including your previous training) with 曼彻斯特.

注意:曼彻斯特支付整个大学范围内的花旗计划订阅费用, 所以对于新生来说没有额外的费用, 教师, 员工也会报名参加这个项目.





一些拨款预算包含保密的薪金或工资信息. 如果你参与了这类奖助金, note that it is covered under the confidentiality agreement (on file with HR) that you signed when you started at 曼彻斯特, 几年前, 或者最近. 如果你没有文件上的协议,并且涉及到这种类型的授予, HR or the Office of 制度的有效性 will contact you to complete an agreement.

在极少数情况下, a 十大网赌正规网址 grant proposal may list cost share from another organization (note that unless otherwise specified, 联邦资金不能与联邦拨款相匹配。. 在这些情况下, the project lead should work with the Director of 奖助金 and 赞助项目 to make sure the University has a letter of commitment on file for the cost share from the third party prior to submission of the proposal. 在项目结束时或在提供成本分摊之后, the University will also require a letter certifying that the cost share was provided, 并且它来源于非联邦来源(除非另有说明).

曼彻斯特遵守1988年的无毒工作场所法案. 详见员工手册或学生手册.


在拨款预算中,“设备”通常是超过5000美元的任何单一项目. 如果你把设备写进预算, contact the Director of the Physical Plant and Grounds or Chief Technology Officer for more information.

请参阅十大网赌正规网址的知识产权政策了解更多信息. 适用于联邦拨款和赞助项目, 大学将适当地允许联邦政府使用受版权保护的数据, 遵守Bayh-Dole法案, 编辑专有信息, 并符合相关机构对分包商的要求.

如果您计划通过您的资助聘请一名研究助理, you must meet the Research Assistant/Internship requirements outlined by the Office of Career and 专业 Development. 更多信息请联系Tish Kalita.