University 安全 - 常见问题

We welcome your questions. If you do not find an answer to your question 在这里, please call x5000 (260-982-5000) and someone will assist you. Office hours are from 8 a.m. 直到下午5点.m. Monday through Friday. 

How safe is 曼彻斯特 University?

曼彻斯特 University is a very safe place to live, 工作, 和研究, as is the surrounding community of North 曼彻斯特. The safety of members of the 曼彻斯特 University community is a primary concern of the University, and a principal responsibility of the Office of University 安全. A fully trained officer is on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week, supplemented by student security cadets.

I lost my room key and I am locked out of my room. What should I do?

You should contact your Hall Director or Resident Assistant. If you are locked out and feel your safety is at risk, use the emergency phone located at the front entrance to each hall to contact a 安全 Officer. You will be required to show your student ID to gain access to your building. You will also need to report the lost key to your Hall Director, and pay a key replacement fee.

I need to get my property out of the storage room at my hall. Who should I call?

You should contact your Hall Director. The 安全 staff is not permitted to give students access to these areas.

What should I do if I have lost a piece of property?

If you have lost a piece of property, please contact the 安全 Office and report it. Please give us as much information as possible. Our office maintains the Campus Lost and Found.

我被开了罚单. What should I do?

For parking and ticket information, please 点击这里.

I lost my 曼彻斯特 University ID. How do I get a replacement ID card?

Fill out the appropriate online form:

How do I sign up for MU Alerts?

If t在这里 is a weather-related cancellation or delay – or something else you really need to know right now – will you get a text? All you need to do is sit down at a University computer and go 在这里. It just takes a couple of minutes.

Why aren’t all students automatically enrolled in MU Alerts?

他们是. It used to be to be an “opt-in” system but starting in the 2022-23 academic year all 曼彻斯特 students are automatically enrolled. We include the sign-up information above in case someone is inadvertantly left out.

Why don’t we have emergency phones on campus?

University 安全 researched what are known as “blue light phones” and learned that many colleges and universities are moving away from them. 曼彻斯特 had them for a few years, and records show they were used only twice – and neither use was for an emergency. One new light would cost about $5,000 to purchase and install. With everyone carrying a cell phone that can be programmed to called University 安全 at 982-5999 and/or 911, the expense for multiple emergency phones could not be justified. Lighting improvements 曼彻斯特 has made in recent years are a better investment for student safety.

What does University 安全 do to create relationships with students?

Officers attend and take part in 曼彻斯特 活动 Council (MAC) and athletic events. An initiative is underway in for de-escalation training. University 安全 helps during Welcome Week and can arrange to meet with organizations and residence hall groups.